Monday, April 28, 2008


finally. after 3 days at taman negara I'm back. I'll talk about it later. don't worry, I will.

Friday, April 25, 2008


First Name - Bryan
Nickname - Ang Pow, Ang Mah
Name you wish you had- Aaron?
What do people normally mistake your name as - >.> <.< >.<
Birthday - 20th February 1995
Birthplace - Hospital
Time of Birth - morning i guess.
Single or taken - single
Zodiac sign - peicies

-Your Appearance-
How tall are you - around 150 cm i guess
Wish you were taller - well yeah kinda
eye color - black
Eye color you want - i said anything..
Natural Hair color - black
Current Hair color - black
Short or long hair - short
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - no, and i dun think i will
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - shaved it bald. xD
Glasses or contacts - Glasses
Do you wear make-up - once when i was 4
Ever had hair extensions - no
Paint your nails - no

-In the opposite gender-
What color eyes - anything
What color hair - anything i guess
Shy or Outgoing - Outgoing..
Looks or personality -both..
Sexy or Cute - Beautiful
Serious or Fun - both
Older or Younger than you - anything

-This or that-
Flowers or Chocolates - CHOCOLATES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pepsi or Coke - coke
Rap or Rock - Rock
Relationship or One night stand - Relationship
School or Work - school
Love or Money - love
Movies or Music - music
Sunny or Rainy days - Rain, when you cry, nobody will know. And it suits my expression
Friends or Family - Friends for sure...

-Have you ever-
Lied - many many many times.
Stole something- many many times
Smoked - OF COURSE NOT! it kills you
Hurt someone close to you - i hope not, if i did i apologize.
Broke someone's heart - i really hope not. forgive me if i did?
Had your heart broken - yesh....
Wondered what was wrong with you - too many times
Wish you were a prince/princess - ...NO!!!
Liked someone who was taken - yesh
Shaved your head - once
Been in love - yesh
Used chopsticks -yesh
Sang in the mirror to yourself - uuuhhhh..... well when 'm in a good mood. xD

Flower - white roses
Candy - none
Song - THECNO! and then rock!
Color -Blue
Junk food - not anymore
Animal - PANDA!!!!!!!
Ever cried over someone - yesh, yesh i did [well once xD]
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - not so thin maybe? maybe a little better looking?
Do you think you're attractive - i think I'm ugly, like a nerd, even if my friends says no
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - no idea
Do you play any sports - Football, cycling

The rules:-Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List 8 random facts about yourself and tag 8 people.
~ I like to examine everything new i hold in my hands
~I love reading very very very much
~I like bubble milk a lot!
~I love my guitar
~I like running around yelling about nothing
~I wish my hair was brown
~I'm madly in love, it hurts.

8 people tagged. RAWR!!
Bryan Win
Dai Ko Chuah
Mr Tysern
ji xian
[i cant think of anymore ppl with blogs xD] [dun worry I'll add more when i think of more]

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today i guess. I'm feeling very depressed.
Enough said, I'm depressed thats all.
What you'd expect? a long big story of how, why, what, when and where? well dream on.


i think not. i have to pay a deadly price, thats spending a whole hour on the toilet bowl.
OK anyway the snacks was jack and jill stuff. the cheese 1 tasted like shit, the samurai curyy was AWESOME! or shoudl i say awesome possum? O.o

My stomach still hurts. i needs to go back to th toilet. ciaoz!

Monday, April 21, 2008


Well 1 demand actually, and that demand was annoying. [no lar! just joking] Well here's my pic!


Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

happy? anway the magazine was for fun, ask me why the wierd face, I'll be like I DUNNO! it was the 1st thing that came in mind.

Friday, April 18, 2008


I'm secretly dying, crying, sobing, being sad, beating my heart, breathing and other stuff that happens in my body.[XD] dunt think im sad, i wanna be a happy retard! HAPPY! RAWR!

hu said that? not me.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


so packed with drama my life is. So much twist and turns. unexpected things will just SPRING UP and catch you. how....... how....... depressing? no. more of.... surpirsing.

anyway back to the main drama im explaining here. OMGWTF?! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
mr. tysern and mr.chua is leaving tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sob* *sob* WHY.........?
oh well thats life. move along. no point crying over spilt milk, although i really love to see them teach again.

But i wonder, since they're not teaching, should i call them Mr. chua and Mr. tysern or Uncle or 'Dai Ko' [XD] or just chua and tysern? Hmm.....

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I take that back

Friends don't suck, family does. especially parents and siblings.

GGGGGGGRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCREW THEM!!!!!!! THEY MAKE ME SOOO ANGRY!!!! >:0

Friday, April 11, 2008



They aren't real friends. they should be renamed to people whom i know. The world is getting smaller and there's only 1 whom i trust. life hurts

Sunday, April 6, 2008

panda pics!!

OK i was bored and i decided to make a post about pandas!

Look at all those cute little pandas.

Wait, they're totaly fake!

OMGWTF IS THAT?! a panda chair? cool! i want one!


thats not even a panda? who's the ass who gave me these pictures. >:E

finally, i normal looking panda!

look a cute little panda...........




Tuesday, April 1, 2008

theese rox (not as much as pandas though)

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

a little april fools stuff.... good stuff



As you know, it's April's fool!
I had a hell of a time in school today, well at least until 1.15 XD. It all started when i woke up this morning. The 1st thing that happened was i got a real shock. My bro planted a spring trap in my *ahem* drawer. I spent the whole morning in front of the comp chatting with friends about jokes! GAWD that was funny. totaly forgotten about homework (which i didn't care XD). In school, I sticked a 'kick me' sign on my friends back, and everybody was laughing really hard. i still don't see whats so funny, that was a weak joke, but i sticked anyway. After that everybody started doing that. >.>

Anyway Pn.Won said no more april fools joke so i stopped. my face was like this at 1st D:

And then like this :C

I got kinda mad after that. >:E

Well it was fun while it lasted.