Sunday, February 8, 2009

Special post

This special post isn't a tag. I don't know how to start but pls don't think I'm over-reacting or anything because i do tend to get very emotional.

Well yesterday, February the 8th, was my saddest part of my life so far. That was the day I lost my beloved dog Randy. He has a history of epilepsy, meaning siezures now and then. It got more and more frequent. Finally he couldn't stand it, his heart stopped and aprox 6 pm. I kind of knew it was coming, i wanted to put him down anyway to stop his suffering. It was a very sad moment. He was laying limp in my mothers arms, who was crying out franticly "Randy! Randy!" His breathing eventually stopped, and at last his heart stopped. I wished i could forget it all. He was only 4 years old. It was his birthday this month, February, I still remmeber when we got him as a puppy at 2 months old. He changed so much. I just need to get over it and move along. Well here's to you Randy my one and only pet dog! Rest In Peace knowing you will always be my "STOOPID DOG"....

He never got that piece of cake...